Congratulations on Promotion

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Dear   First of all heartiest congratulations to you on your recent achievement. It was with great pleasure that I read of your promotion to the position of (position) with (name of company) I am sure your company has made a very wise decision and that you will excel in your new role as (position) … Read more

Congratulations on Promotion1

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Dear   Heartiest Congratulations on your recent promotion to (position). I am well aware of how hard you have worked to earn the recognition you presently enjoy at (name of company), and I feel that they are very wise in having made their decision in your favor. I am sure you are enjoying working at … Read more

Thank You Letter For Promotion

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Lara Cromwell   Bright star Computer Networks   146 Princeton Street,   Bistol Dear Lara, I am extremely happy and would like to this opportunity to convey my gratification for giving me with this wonderful opportunity to work as an Administration Manager of Bright star Computer Networks. I have joined this position from today morning, … Read more

Press Release Employee Promotion Letter

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Press Release: Employee Promotion   [DATE, ex. Saturday February 4, 2012]   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   [COMPANY NAME, ex. Silicon International] is pleased to announce and welcome [NAME, ex. Arnold Shaw] as its new [DESIGNATION, ex. Director].  [NAME, ex. Mr. Shaw] has been with [FIRM, ex. Softwood Software Designs] for [DURATION, ex. five years] as … Read more

Sample Promotion Letter From Employer Letter

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To, Carla Bruney, Associate Manager, Customer Relations, Dream Workz Techno Center, California 11 July 2012 Dear Ms Carla, Dream Workz is pleased to inform you that your promotion from the post of Associate Manager to General Manager of the company with immediate effect from July 11, 2012, with monthly basic salary of $40,000. From now … Read more

Sample Team Up With Our Business For Promotion Letter

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                                 Announcement of Program with Business Partner Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Company name] is pleased to announce a new program, [program name] in association with [business partner name] With this program, customers who [state conditions attached to offer] are entitled to [state … Read more