Thank you Letter to Employer

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Mr. Sean Peterson Dresden Medical Supplies 34/ U- I8, Lake Resorts, Ottawa, Canada Dear Mr. Peterson, I would like to thank you for sparing your valuable time from your hectic schedule for discussing insurance matters of Dresden Medical Supplies with me. Previously, I did not know about such vital economic issues and I was not … Read more

Retirement Letter of Employer to Employee Letter

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To: Mr./Ms …………………………………………… ………………………………… (Designation/Dept) ………………………………… (Organization Name) ………………………………… (Address) ………………………………… (City) Dear Mr. /Ms …………………… Sub: Retirement with effect from…….. (Date) Ref:  Our Letter No…….dated……….. It is with sadness that we have to implement your retirement on superannuation with effect from………. based on the retirement policy of the Organization. I would like to place … Read more

Retirement Letter of Employee to Employer Letter

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To: Mr. /Ms ………………………………. CEO & Managing Director …………………………… (Company Name) Dear Mr./Ms ……………………… Sub: My retirement with effect from…….. (Date) Ref: Your Retirement Letter No………. Dated……….. I am retiring on superannuation with effect from……….. (Date) on attaining the age of 57 years after working for… (No. of Years worked). I recall with nostalgia my … Read more

Sample Promotion Letter From Employer Letter

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To, Carla Bruney, Associate Manager, Customer Relations, Dream Workz Techno Center, California 11 July 2012 Dear Ms Carla, Dream Workz is pleased to inform you that your promotion from the post of Associate Manager to General Manager of the company with immediate effect from July 11, 2012, with monthly basic salary of $40,000. From now … Read more