Sample Question About Touring The White House Letter

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St. Louise,



23 February 2012

<Mention Recipient’s Address Here>

Dear <Recipient’s Name>,
I am <your title or position>, and I am writing to try to arrange a personal appearance by you at <event> on <date/location>.

I know that you are occupied with work, and that personal appearances take up time that must also be used for campaigning, policy meetings, strategy sessions, travel, and many other demands. However, this is an important event and something that I think would benefit you as well as <name>. Most of all, it would be a great honor for us to <desired appearance>.

I am not sure of the proper channels to take to arrange something like this, so I decided to go directly to you. If possible, please see that this request is passed on to a department that can at least let me know if such an appearance is possible. If it is possible, I will do everything in my power to arrange it.

Awaiting your valued response.

Thank you very much for your time. Would be looking forward to your response at the earliest.
Kind Regards,

Donald Wilson,


Encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

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