Sample Underpaid Taxes Letter

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Any Town, USA 123454
22 May, 2012

<Address of the Recipient>

Dear <Recipient’s Name,

For the tax year <year>, <I/we> have discovered that <I/we> underpaid <my/our> <federal/state> income tax. <I/we> paid <$amount>, while upon further calculation <I/we> should have paid <$amount>. <I/we> think this underpayment means <I/we> owe the <state/federal government> a balance of <$amount>, plus an interest and penalties.

Please contact <me/us> as soon as possible to let <me/us> know about any interest or penalties that may be applicable. Thank you for your consideration and time.

Warm Regards,

Bentley Thomas
Encl: <Mention list of attached items>

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