Bid For The Purchase of Real Property Probate

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BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY (Probate)   To __________________________As __________________________ of Estate of ____________________________________Deceased   The undersigned hereby offers $_________for the purchase of the property generally known as _________________________and described as: ______________________________________________ ______________________ (description)________________________ on the following terms: $____________________deposit_________________________ _______________ (terms for paying balance) ___________ Rents, taxes, insurance expenses of operation and maintenance … Read more

You Got The Facts Wrong Letter

501, Apple Valley, California-92308 February 9, 2012 [Mention Address of the Recipient] Hello, I have read your story. Your story of [date of story] on [theme of story] was written amazingly well. It showed truly an example of superior writing and great usage of vocabulary. Though few facts mentioned in the article were not accurate. … Read more

Unable To Do Business at This Moment Possibility of Business In The Future Letter

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Unable To Do Business at This Moment, Possibility of Business In The Future   [Name, Company Name & Address here] [Date] Dear [name], This is in reference to the proposal you sent us on [date]. I would like to say that it was really pleasing to get a business proposal from you. I thank you … Read more

Sample Reference From Head Of The Department Letter

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From: Prof. Randy Scott, Madison Science College, Oxford – OX4 2KH To: Dr. Albert Lewis Head of the Department – Physics, Oxford University, Oxford – OX1 2JD 12th April, 2012   Dear Mr. Lewis, This letter is in reference to Mr. Jim Harry, who wants to complete his Ph.D from your prestigious university. Jim has … Read more

Sample The Truth Hurts But AS Your Friend I Have To Tell You Letter

From: [Your Name, & Address here]   To: [Recipient Name & address here] [Date here] Dear [name], It is really difficult to write this letter to you. I don’t know how to start, but I have to tell you about it. At times, there are many things that we want to tell our friends about, … Read more

Sample Question About Touring The White House Letter

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St. Louise, MI-6509 23-Feb-12 <Mention Recipient’s Address> Dear <Recipient’s Name>,   I am writing to ask about visit the White House on <group or person traveling> Is there a cost involved? Are reservations necessary? Are there security issues I must address? I would appreciate it if you would have a staff member contact me with … Read more