Sample Christmas Letter

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Ms. Shelly Sheldon

32-Veronicca Street,


New York

December 19, 2012

Ms. Jennifer Linton

31, Vincent Street,


New York

Dear Jennifer,

Hope you receive this letter in good spirits. How are you and everyone at home? I hope that everyone is doing well. Few more days left for Christmas. Wish u a merry Christmas in advance. And also, I have heard that you were promoted in your job. Congratulations to you on your success. You really deserved it. You have double reasons to celebrate this time. Everyone at my home is also doing well, and although we have not fared as you in our careers, we are blessed with stable, good-paying jobs that give us enough to have extra money for leisure activities.

Have a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!

Warm Regards and Love,

Ms. Shelly Sheldon

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1 thought on “Sample Christmas Letter”

  1. December 12, 2022

    Greetings from Valier, Montana;

    Hope these Christmas greetings find you and your family all well and enjoying the Christmas season! We have not had to deal with any Covid infections, so we are Thankful for that. Vance had 2 shots and I had 3 but
    I think we are done with the shots. At church we are offering the wine and host now so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. I have not taken the wine for quite a few years and won’t be
    We have gone to the ranch to help John with cattle when he is branding, or haying. Vance works with cattle when we are branding, A-I ing, and he does a lot of swathing of hay. I cook a lot and work on the yards. The older we get the more challenging it gets.

    James is working with Air National Guard as a civilian and his wife is a pediatric psychiatric nurse practitioner. They have two children, Halden is a sophomore at the University of Montana and Laney is in third grade and quite the piano player. She is also in soccer, basketball, and dance.

    John is our youngest son and he and Amy live on the farm. Amy is a speech therapist with schools. They have 3 children and Tyler is 12 and loves sports and he is becoming quite the worker. He loves learning to swath, and bale hay. It is his cup to tea to be by his dads side helping with whatever needs to be done. Alyssa is 10 and in 4th grade and Brynn is 7 and the girls also do dance and whatever sports are open to them.

    We will be staying home for Christmas. It has been pretty cold so we just hunker down and try to stay warm. We look forward to some quiet time in our community. We wish you all many blessings this Christmas season. Hoping to see you this coming summer.

    Love, Carla and Vance


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