Sample Holiday Announcement Letter

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Mr. Tom Jordan


Glory Vision Inc.

September 20, 2011


The Staff and Employees

Multi-media Department

Dear everyone,

Warm greetings this new year!

With utmost joy, I’d like to inform you that the company will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Multi-media department on October 5, 2011.  In this regard, I would like to announce to you that all staff and employees of the Multi-media department will be having a holiday on the said date.  Please attend the celebration dinner on October 4, 7:00 PM at the company grounds to commemorate the anniversary.

We will be recognizing outstanding staff and employees of the department as a way of saying thanks for your excellent performance.

The department has contributed significantly to the continued success of the company.  After it was created, we were able to reach greater heights.  The staff and employees have worked to the best of their ability and we have numerous accomplishments to show for your efforts.

Congratulations and we hope you spend your holiday in an enjoyable way!


Tom Jordan

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