Sample Financial Statement Banking Letters

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Request Delay in Providing Financial Statement


[DATE, ex. Monday, May 2, 2011]




Danny Graham

ABC Bank

123 Lane

Area 456

City, State, Pin Code]

Dear [NAME, ex. Mr. Graham],

As per our terms and conditions of our credit facility, we are required to provide you with our annual financial statements within 90 days following our fiscal year end ([DATE OF YEAR END, ex. March 31, 2011]).

[EXPLAIN REASON FOR DELAY IN PREPARATION OF STATEMENTS, ex. As you know that we have recently changed our accounting system software, and we have been facing some difficulties in reconciling accounts. Our technicians are working with the software vendor to address the same problem, however we do not anticipate having this resolved for a few more weeks].

We would therefore like to request you to provide us with an additional [ADDITIONAL DELAY PERIOD REQUESTED, ex. sixty (60) days] days to provide you with the financial statements. We will, of course, try to provide you with them at the earliest, and make sure that the delays will not set us back any longer than this.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation.

For any queries, please feel free to contact me directly.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name, ex. Mark Anthony]

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1 thought on “Sample Financial Statement Banking Letters”

  1. am working as a hardware engg, am joining time i given my personal saving bank account to my company they transfer salary every month this account only, but that bank not responding anything for my accounts clarification , so i closed that bank account .. today newly opened one new account .. so i need to give my bank account details to my company.. how to make letter


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