Sample Interest Payment Banking Letters

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Request Deferral of Interest Payment


[DATE, ex. Monday, November 28, 2011]




Danny Graham

ABC Bank

123 Lane

Area 456

City, State, Pin Code]


Dear [NAME, ex. Mr. Graham],


We refer to our term loan in the amount of approximately [AMOUNT OF LOAN, ex. $45,000] bearing account no. [ACCOUNT NO. OF LOAN, ex. 987654321].


We are experiencing some unavoidable cash flow problems shooting from [REASONS FOR CASH FLOW PROBLEMS, ex. the bankruptcy of a key customer], which we feel will temporarily set us back for [PERIOD OF REQUESTED DEFERRAL, ex. three (3) months].


We would like to request that if possible and you could defer interest charges on our loan for this period, so that we can maintain sufficient working capital to meet our operational requirements.


Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation.

For any queries, please feel free to contact me directly.


Yours faithfully,



[Your Name, ex. Mark Anthony]

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