Sample Christmas Prisoner Letter

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4th August 2010,

Jacob Peterson #1234-56,

Federal Prison Camp- Bloomington,

PO BOX 012345,

Bloomington, Indiana.2456.

Dear Jacob,

Thank you for writing me letter. Merry Christmas to you too! I appreciate that after everything that has happened; you were able to write a funny letter, one that looks to the future. One thing I really admire is that, in all your letters which you have sent to me from prison, you have stressed on the positive things you have been doing in your life.

I remember in one of the letter you have mentioned that you would like to stay in New York, United States after your release, as you have a lot of friends who can help you leading better life. My love and affection is always there with you. I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for your life. Don’t be sad on Christmas, my best wishes are always there with you.

Yours truly,


Sample Christmas Prisoner Letter in Word

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