Sample Companies Complaint Letter

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Donald Harris,

Purchase Manager,

Purchase Department,

ABC and Sons Inc,

New York-11701

June 08, 2011

Jimmy Anderson,


Anderson Suppliers Inc,

New York-11701

Dear Mr. Jimmy,

Sub- Complaint about the delay of delivery supplies

I with this letter would like to make complaint about the delay of delivery of the material that we ordered you in the last month. This has not only happened for this time itself but there was also delay in many of previous deliveries.

I have already told this fact to your delivery manager but yet there is a problem of delay in delivery. Due to delay in the delivery our production gets delayed because of which our customers are getting delay delivery.

I hope that after this complaint you will take necessary action in this regard and will assure us of timely delivery. If such kind of delay continues in future then we would like to terminate your contract with us.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Donald Harris

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