Sample Job Acceptance Congratulations Letter

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Ms. Maria Carey

101, Canon City,



July 11, 2012

Mr. Richard Harris

501, Apple Valley,



Dear Mr. Harris,

On behalf of the whole company I would like to congratulate you for being a part of our team as one of the sales executive. I have evaluated your resume and I would like to mention that it is quite impressive. Your qualifications and work experience are absolutely suitable for the position of a sales staff executive in the company. I am confident on you and I am hoping you will be an excellent addition to our team and you will contribute well to the continuous success of the Sales Department.

As decided by the management I am aware you are supposed to join from next Monday. I am looking forward to meeting you personally. I will be giving you a short orientation about your roles and responsibilities as a sales executive.

Congratulations from all of us!

Yours faithfully,

Ms. Maria Carey

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