Sample New Business Congratulations Letter

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Ms. Kristen Stewart

563, Atlantic Beach,



Mo: 987-756-9658

June 28, 2012

Mr. Kurt Jonson

789, Varsity Lane,

Bloomington, Indiana-47420

Dear Mr. Jonson,

I recently got to know through a friend that you are opening a new business in your town and I want to express my warmest congratulations to you. Finally, after years of hard work and sincere efforts you have now been able to make your dream business into reality. You are so lucky that at such a young age you are now your own employer. Having a business is a very gratifying means to make a living, not only financially but also personally. I am also hoping to be able to put up my own business but I am still financially incompetent at this moment. I am very happy for you,

Congratulations again! I wish you lots of success in your new business.

Yours truly,

Ms. Kristen Stewart

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