Sample Airlines Complaint Letter

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The Director,

Customer Relations

Cincinnati International Airport

Cincinnati Airlines

Subject: Letter of complaint against the ill behavior of staff

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice of the poor hospitality rendered by your airlines. Your airline holds a reputed name globally and you take pride in your staff services, but unfortunately your staff misbehaved at the Cincinnati International Airport. I am a frequent flyer with your airline; it was to my utter disappointment to receive such an unwelcoming response from your personnel.

Last week I was supposed to board your Cincinnati-New York evening flight. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I got late in reporting at your reception counter. I respect your rules and apologized for failing to adhere to the same. Rest apart, the response I received from the lady at the counter was too cold, which I did not expect at all.

It would not be appreciating at my end to report her name, but I would expect an appropriate against this kind of behavior with your clients.


Best regards,

Rolando Mora

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