Sample Travel Consent Letter

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Mr. David

D-25, Pilot Drive,


Dear Father,

I hope this letter finds you and mother good in health.

The purpose of writing this letter is to seek permission from both of you for a holiday tour organized by my friends.

We are planning to go on this fortnight long holiday tour on this term end. This trip will involve touring across the city and nearby towns. Mum, most of my friends have not been on an outing since the start of our current term, and now we all desperately want to do it

Post this tour, I want to spend my holidays with you and Mom.

I think that this planned trip with my friends will definitely help me develop my social behavioral skills and interact efficiently with other people in the society.

I like traveling very much and I really want to go on this trip.

I hope that I will surely get what I have written this letter for.

Yours lovingly,


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