Sample Computer Engineer Cover Letter

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Mr. Jonas Lap

Human Resource Manager

Global Systems Software


45, Short Lane, Lancaster

Dear Mr. Lap,

This is in reference to your advertisement appearing on 24th August at your website for a Computer Hardware Engineer for your firm. After reviewing the requirements, I would like to mention that my qualification, skills, and expertise are same to those needed by your company. I completed my Bachelors in Computer Engineering from International University, and I am in my final year of my Masters in the same field at Global Institute. I posses a lot of knowledge about the industry trends and accomplishments, which I feel could add value to your organization.

I am currently working for Hardware solutions as a Computer Engineer. I am responsible for researching, planning, and proposing system and hardware choices that meets clients’ business needs. The analytical, managerial, interpersonal, and technical skills I have accumulated over the years can be of great assistance to your organization. I’ am also involved in consultancy work.

Should you find me interesting to talk to, contact me at the above number and I’ll avail myself for an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Frank Duffrence

Enclosure: Resume

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