Work Permits (USA) HSMP
PO Box 98765
Subject: Application for Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP)
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Please find my attached application for HSMP with other required documents as mentioned by your office. Payment of $250 was made through your office Accounts department and receipt attached together with the other documents. A comprehensive bifurcation of claimed points and supporting evidence is listed herein.
- English Language
IELTS Tests Reports Form – band 75, obtained January 2012
- Past Earnings
- 62 points claimed
- Pay slips bears legal stamps for the duration of April 2010 – March 2012
- P60 for 2009-2010 tax year
- Educational Background
48 points claimed
Original Certificate (BSc in Botany) from Indiana University
- USA Work Experience
7 points claimed
5. Age
6 points raised
Yours Sincerely,
Keppler Steve