Keppler Steve,
Human Resource Manager,
World Wide Consultants
563, Atlantic Beach,
8th January 2012
Dear Mr. Steve,
This is in the reference to the advertisement the newspaper on 5th January, mentioning about the vacancy in your company for the post of a hardware engineer. I would like to submit my candidature for the same post. I match up to the requirements mentioned in the job profile.
I have completed my graduation from the well known Oxford University in Software Engineering and will soon complete my Masters also from the same university. I have accustomed variety of software’s for different companies. I have also headed the software department in Robert Software Solutions for two years.
I have enclosed my resume and testimonials. I look forward to hearing from you to discuss the position in more depth. Please feel free to contact me on 123-456-7890 at your own convenience and I will avail myself for an interview. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Right.
Encl: Resume and testimonials
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