Sample Editor Fax Letter

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Mr. Edwin Parks

H.R. Manager,

Cooper Publications,

Burlington Rd,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Dear Mr. Parks,

This is in regard to your last week advertisement for the post of News Editor.

I am very confident that I fulfill all the requirements for this position. I have the qualifications you asked for and I am applying with my detailed resume.

I can provide you with recommendations from my past employers.

I graduated in Journalism from a prestigious college with bright grades. I also worked as ‘Editor-in-Chief’ for our college paper.

After college, I got an offer from a local paper and there I was exposed to the current trends in the field of journalism. I wrote articles, made stories and researched on different subjects. And, then finally I got to work in copy reading. I was given enough work to learn; it enhanced my editing skills & increased my knowledge. I worked there for two years and learnt a lot.

I have attended a one month training workshop from a large publishing house on editing and I passed it excellently.

I hope you will consider my application. I am available for an interview at anytime of as per your convenience.


Jason Moore

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