Sample Cute Friendship Letter

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Ms. Helen Stewart

25, Merlin Housing Society

Roman Encl.

Detroit, Michigan


My Dearest friend,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and everyone in your family is well too.

Today, I am really missing you a lot and I just couldn’t help myself writing this second letter to you in just two weeks.

Last night, I was having dinner with some friends, and I missed you a lot. I still miss the moments we spent together in our lives during our college days.

Today, we live in different cities; we both have new friends now. But, you know, I never feel the same just I used to feel it with you.

You have been my best friend and you will always be in my life. You understood me clearly, the compassion I felt in your friendship was not found with any other person.

I miss your patience on my silly mistakes and the intelligent advices you would give me.


I can’t forget you and I know it well that you will also never forget me.



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