Sample School Project Fundraising Letter

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Mr. Aaron Long


New Altitude Inc,

Hayward City, C.A. – 45213


August 21, 2012


Dear Mr. Long,

I am Anthony Howard, from the ‘Bright Buds High School’, Hayward city.

Last month, our school faced a tragic event – a part of the school building caught fire because of defective electrical wiring.

The incident caused serious damage to many rooms of our school. It affected the furniture, lab equipments, and many other things.

At present, our institution is facing financial problems. We do not have enough funds to carryout the renovation of the school building. There is a lot of work that needs to be done – we need to construct some part of the building, replace the damaged equipment and buy new furniture as well. The restoration of the building alone will cost a high amount.

Therefore, we are raising funds for our school. We are seeking help from the entire school alumni for any kind of support that you offer.  If the building remains in its current condition, then the education of the students would be directly affected as it is not possible to accommodate all of them.

So, please help us restore this school as it was before this unfortunate incident. Your donation will help save the current year of the students.


Thank you.


Anthony Howard



Bright Buds High School

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