Encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>
Bentley Thomas
Warm Regards
As you know, an election is coming up in November which will decide some important issues for <name of area>. One of the issues you will be asked to decide with your vote is who will be the next <office>. And that is why I would like to earn your vote.
I’m <name>, and I’ll be running for <short phrase> this year. <reasons they should vote for you>.
You’ll be seeing more information and advertisements about me in the coming months, and even though political ads can get a little old, I ask you to pay attention to what you see about me. I think as you learn more and discover what I stand for, you’ll see why I’m the <man/woman> to serve as your <short phrase>.
Thanks for your time and consideration, and I hope I can count on your vote!
Dear <Recipient’s Name>,
<Mention Recipient’s Address Here>
St. Louise,
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