Sample Company Introduction Letter

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Robert Colossus

Tesco enterprises


February 24, 2012


Mr. Bruce Watson,


TMP Inc, Palm Park



Dear Mr. Watson,


I take immense pleasure in introducing to you Tesco Enterprises, a seven year old multinational company in designing software. We have our presence across the globe.


We carry out bulk operations and specialize in undertaking corporate offers to provide the needs of different companies. Our objective is to provide superb and unheard of features in the technology. Please find enclosed copy of our company profile and our achievements in the past.


I would like to arrange a personal introductory session to further emphasize on our company’s merits. In this regard I wish to propose to call your office by the end of this week.


I look forward for the meeting and the association with your esteemed company.

Please feel free to contact me should you feel that we need to discuss this contract comprehensively.


Thanking You


Kind Regards,


Robert Colossus

General Manager


Encl: Company Profile

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