Internal Announcement of Job to Group –
To: [Department Name]
From: [Your name & designation]
Date: [….]
Subject: [position name] opening in our company
As you all know that there is an opening for the position of [position name] in our company.Although the management will also look outside to fill this open position, we have a preference for the internal people. Therefore, I invite applications from interested people of this department for this position. You can forward the applications to [Name].
Brief Information on this open position –
Responsibilities –
[Mention duties here] – e.g.
Handling the sales team of 80 people
Forming sales budget
Developing marketing plans
Reporting to V.P. – Sales
Required Qualifications & Skills –
[Mention skills here] – e.g.
Master of Business Administration
Ten years experience in hardcore sales
Ability to handle a large team
Analytical bent of mind & knowledge of market trends
Leadership qualities
Benefits Offered –
[Mention benefits here] – e.g.
Health & Dental Insurance
Pension plan
Stock options
Corporate expense account
Higher promotion potential
[OPTIONAL: mention salary here]
I am positive that many people of your department have the requisites for this position. I encourage all the interested people to forward an application.
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