Sample Business Letter of Intent

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April 1, 2012

The Chairman,

Dye and Patkins Loan Company


1234, Main Street,


Boston, MA 02123

From: Mr. Williams

Founder and CEO of Vincent Industries

Sub: Business proposal for a merger

Dear Mr. Peterson,

This letter is to confirm the mutual intent of a merger between the Dye and Patkins Loan Company and Vincent Industries. We have worked together for the last 15 years and there has been various ups and down which the two companies have worked together to sail through.

As per our conversation last week, we have made the agreement for your perusal. We want the legal procedure to be in place and surely want the approval of the board of directors of both the company.

We request you to consult your legal advisor before taking any decision and signing the agreement.

Looking forward to meet you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Williams,

[Personal Sign]

[Company Seal]

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