Sample Annual Leave Letter

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Richard Harris

Unicare Limited,


11th April 2012


David Smith,

Personnel Manager,

Unicare Limited,


Dear Mr. Smith,

Re. Annual Leave Letter

I am writing with regard to the annual leave of four weeks that I can avail as part of my employment with this organization. I have not yet availed my annual leave and wish to do so for a period of four weeks starting 1st June 2012.

The reason for this application for annual leave is that I have some urgent work back home in California. I have some ancestral property back in California that needs to be sold and I am told by legal representative that the entire formalities will be completed in the coming month.

I shall be resuming work on 1st July 2012 and if there is any delay in the date of joining, I shall inform you of the same. I shall send you my contact details once I reach California. Thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Harris

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