Sample Independant Contractor or Consultant Agreement Letter

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This is an Agreement between [Contractor Name], SSN [no. here], the ‘Contractor’ and [Company name], a [state name] Corporation, located at [address here].

Effective Date 

This Agreement becomes effective when signed and executed by all parties.

Agreement Termination

This Agreement remains in force until [termination date], or until ended by any party upon [duration] of advance notice to the other party.

Responsibilities & Payment –
The Contractor agrees to carry out such duties at times in such manner as the Company may direct.

[Optional Particular Deliverables]

The Company agrees to pay the Contractor for work performed as follows:

[Payment terms]

The Contractor accepts that no federal or state withholdings or deduction will be acquired or paid by Company on (his/her) behalf, and agrees to be liable to report and pay for the same.

The Contractor accepts that as a free contractor <he/she> will not be qualified nor entitled to any of the benefits afforded regular workers, that includes but does not limit to unemployment cover, heath benefits, holiday, profit distribution and annuity plans.

Rights –
The Contractor hereby allocates to the Company all the rights of formation and possession of all materials, thoughts and other physical and indescribable assets produced by or resultant from the work done under the terms of this Agreement. Contractor recognizes that all such assets shall be the belongings of Company. All trademarks, patents, copyrights, and products that result from the work done under this Agreement shall similarly be the property of the Company only.

Novelty –

The Contractor justifies that the work performed and/or assets created under this Agreement are original that have not been created previously and are not in the public domain. Contractor additionally warrants that the work shall be free of any hindrances and that Contractor has complete rights to allot ownership of work to Company.

Trade Secrets

Any information that related to the plans of Company and its business, including but not limited to objects, plans and patron lists, are to be deemed trade secrets of Company. Contractor agrees to sign and bear by a non-disclosure agreement in regard to the use and privacy of this information. Infringement of the non-disclosure agreement shall result in direct termination of this Agreement.
Non Competition

During the time of this Agreement, Contractor agrees to not, directly or in any other way, participate in the progress, production or promotion of any produce which directly or indirectly rivals with Company’s existing or identified future products or business. Contractor agrees not to involve in activities which contend with Company’s business where such actions could call on Contractor to disclose or use any confidential information or business secrets that belong to Company.
General Provisions

If the work is not performed timely mentioned herein, or if the work does not meet the specifications or quality requirements as stated by Company, or if for any other violation of any condition of this Agreement by Contractor, Company may, at its choice and upon written notice to Contractor, either (a) end this Agreement and demand a refund of all amounts paid to Contractor (upon the disbursement of which all rights in the work shall be allocated to Contractor), or (b) keep the work in its then existing state and stop additional payments to Contractor hereunder. The preceding remedies are not limited and shall be in addition to such other rights and remedies as Company may have under the regulation or this Agreement.

In any deed or suit to implement any right or remedy under this Agreement or to understand any condition of this Agreement, the winning party shall be entitled to make recovery of its expenses that includes, but does not limit to attorney’s fees.

Any changes to this Agreement must be signed by all parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement.



Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Title: _____________________________________

For [Company name]
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Title: _____________________________________

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