[Your Name, & Address here]
[Recipient Name & address here]
[Date here]
Dear [name],
I acknowledge the receipt of the notice sent by you, dated [notice date].
I want to inform you that we have been unable to resolve this matter to your fulfillment.
Now, to avoid any legal proceedings in relation to this matter, I offer the following:
– [Describe your offer in brief]
I want you to know that I want to resolve this matter to our joint satisfaction.
I will wait for your response to know how you would like to proceed. You may contact me on – [your no. here].
[Your name]
Encl: [Enclosures List here]
Download Sample Notice of Assignment Letter In Word Format 1
As sole owner for the Savvy China Innovation Ltd., I hereby irrevocably confirm the appointment of Mr Chmlie Shok Kumi Choya, passport no. XB 90837625 , Malaysian. with effective today for next 120 days, as strategic Director to package and structure the sales of this company shares for the best price premium, to appropriate investors, for a mutually agreed premium and hold position of the balance shareholding.