Sample Employee Promotion Letter

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It should be kept in mind that getting appraisal or promotion is not compulsory for an employee but is a privilege of the employee dependent on many factors other than merit of the employee.

Though, when an employee feels that his claims to well deserved promotion have been overlooked and his juniors promoted, it may not be out of  place to address a polite letter to his employer reminding him about the matter on the following lines :-


Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)

……………………   (Designation)

Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2010


The Managing Director

…………………. (Name of Company)

Dear Sir,

Sub: Request for consideration for Promotion.

I have been serving the Company diligently for the past 3 years as Sales Manager. I have received good performance appraisals from my HOD and have achieved the sales targets fixed for me timely.

I would like to take this opportunity to draw your kind attention to my record of service and request you to kindly consider me for promotion/appraise as deemed fit and oblige.

Thanking you.

Warm Regards,

Yours faithfully,



Place …………… Dated ……………

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