Sample Letter of Recommendation for Award Letter

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Mr. Charlie Wilson
The Chairman
Education Division
U.S. State Department
Washington D.C. – 45212

Mr. Edward Greg
Grants Division
U.S. Department of State
Washington D.C. – 45213

March 15, 2012


Dear Mr. Greg,

This letter is in reference to Mr. Raymond Cook’s application for a grant.

You must have received his application for a grant of $1 Million for his proposed project.

I would like to tell you that Mr. Cook met me last week and we discussed about his plans for about an hour. I believe that Raymond is planning something very important and beneficial for the community.

I know this person from a very long time. He is an intelligent person and a profound researcher with deep knowledge about different subjects. He did his Ph.D in physics with gold medal.

His project is about a new and interesting research in the field of Physics. He knows it well how to execute an education related project. Raymond has made very brilliant plans for his project. He is really capable of undertaking this kind of project.

Through his institute, ‘Raymond Physics Institute, he wants to and contribute to Physics, and work for the betterment of humanity.

Mr. Cook is a brilliant and energetic researcher. I am very much sure that Mr. Cook will research and find something very useful for humanity in the coming future.

Impressed with his great qualities, I really support his application for the grant.

Thank you for your consideration.



Mr. Edward Greg

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