Sample Adoption Reference Letter

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Adoption Reference Letter

Adoption agencies and orphanages require an adoption reference letter from people who know the couple interested for adoption.

This reference letter states that a couple who wants to adopt a child has all the needed things in their home to raise a child efficiently. An adoption reference letter is a written form of prospective parent’s assessment, it supports their adoption application.


Sample Adoption Reference Letter 



Mother Superior,

New London Orphanage,
156, Connaught Square

London – W2 2LK

11th February, 2012


Dear Madam,

I am writing in reference to the child adoption application of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks.

I want to tell you that I spent about one week with this aspiring couple and, after a careful conclusion, I support their application.

The couple invited me to their home and I got to see all the arrangements they have made for the child to be adopted. I was told everything in detail regarding the activities and plans they are carrying out for their adoption. They have also selected a school for the child.

Further, the relationship of this couple is also stable; they are married for the past ten years with no issues and, that is a very positive thing for adoption. Their financial condition is sound too.

I am very much sure that the new child will get a great atmosphere in this family. The child will get everything necessary in this home for a secured future.

So, I highly support their adoption application. In future, if you need any additional information about Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, I am open for communication.



Arthur Luis

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