Sample Reference Letter From Neighbor Letter

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Annie Baker
Apt 15, Rosewood Apartments,
Old Monk St, Tampa.


Mr. Andrew Cooper

Passport Officer
New York Passport Office,
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
May 05, 2012


Dear Mr. Cooper,

This is in reference to the passport application of Mr. James Dior, a resident of Apt 12, Rosewood Apartments, Old Monk St, Tampa.

I confirm that I know Mr. Dior for the last six years. He has been staying in my neighborhood for this duration.

About him, I would like to say that he is a very ‘clean person’ – has no issues with anyone in our society and has never been involved in any type of anti-social activities.

He is a nice person and also very social. He always participates in our community gatherings. He would always be the first one to respond to any unfortunate incidents that happens in our society. He is a helpful person and tries to help all around him.

James also likes to volunteer for all social causes and contributes to charities. He suggests and always comes up with new & innovative ideas for the improvement of our society.

So, in my opinion, there should not be any problem for issuing him a passport.



Annie Baker

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5 thoughts on “Sample Reference Letter From Neighbor Letter”

  1. Hi,
    I need a recommendation letter format from friends to immigration checkpoint authority Singapore to apply permanent residence.


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