Mr. Richard Branson,
Manager – Operations
Global Solutions Inc.
256, Parker Rd,
Buffalo, NY – 45263
March 28, ’12
Dear Mr. Branson,
This is Linda Jackson, writing on behalf of ‘Mother Mary Trust’. We are based in Texas and have branches all over the country.
Presently, we are collecting funds to provide support to the victims of the recent Hurricane disaster occurred in the state of Florida. We want to help these people get their lives in order again through generous donations from different sources.
This natural calamity has caused so much damage to their lives and not to mention their properties. So, we appeal to you to kindly show your support for these people by making donation to our group so that we can provide some relief to these unfortunate people.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward for your help.
Thanking You,
Linda Jackson
(Sr. Coordinator)
Mother Mary Trust
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