Sample Credit Request Letter

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Mr. Brian Smith

Manager- Credit Services

Shaw shank Credits

London – T05 4LP

28, March ‘12


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am Dave Jones, writing in for requesting my credit information and enroll for your customer support program to safeguard my credit account against identity theft.

I require the following services from your firm –

1. Information on the current status of my credit account.

2. Enrollment for telephonic customer support facility to my number   – 547-342- 6789        for latest reports about credit and debt on my account.

3. Take me off your marketing list for promotional call and mail.

4. Do not give my credit account statement to any person without my consent to prevent fraud. You can mail me the confidential & important information and, also you can call me to inform about the same.

I thank you for your attention and fast action in this regard. If I don’t get any response, I will believe that you do not agree with the above mentioned.

Thanks for your consideration. Look forward to your reply.



Dave Jones

26/D-5, Block- 6, Roland St.

London – Y12 9LI

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