Request Refusal Letter

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Mr. Kim Thomson

Sr. Executive – Marketing

Garfield Advertising Services

10, Edward Street,
London – YH14 3KG

23 March, 2012


Dear Mr. Thomson,

We received you letter dated 15March, 2012 regarding your request for salary hike.

First of all, I would like to say that we do agree that you contributed successfully to this company in the last two years. And, your overall performance has been also satisfactory during this period.

However, this is not the right time to expect a raise in your salary.

At Garfield Advertising, we have a policy to observe an employee for three years continuously since their joining to monitor them in different aspects. We only appraise an employee after successfully completing three years with us.

So, this is not the appropriate time for your appraisal. I hope that you will respect our employee policy and will wait for another six months till you complete your tenure of three years with this company.

Needless to say again that I am aware of your performance which is really good so far, you will be also rewarded with handsome performance incentives and loyalty bonus for completing three years with us.



John Wright

Sr. Manager – Marketing

Garfield Advertising Services

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