Volunteers Request Letter

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Mr. Lynn Thayer

Sports Coach

Ruskins University of Arts

Queen Sylvia Rd.

Derby – DD10 3KG

4th April ’12.


Dear Mr. Thayer,

I am Jesse Madrid, representing ‘People’s Trust’, Derby.

Our foundation works for many types of social causes and we are working for the past ten years for now.

Presently, we are planning to run a campaign regarding health education for less educated housewives all over Derby.

With this campaign, we aim to spread awareness among these women about health care and general medical issues. We want to make this campaign truly successful, reaching out more & more women for their advantage.

The objective of our initiative can only be achieved with the help of a large number of volunteers. We need many volunteers to help & support us for this cause. We need people who can dedicate at least ten hours in a week for the next four months.

So, I request you to please appeal to your college students for this cause and extend your support to our community women. We would be really grateful to you & your students for this support.

Thank for your attention, and we look forward for your support for this campaign.


Jesse Madrid,



People’s trust

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