Resignation Letter of Director Letter

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Mr. Jeremy Potter

President –Marketing
Bright Sky Associates

Detroit, Michigan -63254

July13, 2012

Sub: Resignation


Dear Mr. Potter,

Hope you are doing well.

I would to inform you that I am resigning from my post of ‘Vice President’ in Bright Sky Associates.

A new Company has offered me the post of ‘Managing Director’. The company is into publishing and, this is my true calling as I always wanted to work in this field and I am really looking forward to achieve success while working for something I have passion for.

I will be leaving on July 28, 2012, serving a notice period of two weeks which allows sufficient time in my hands to finish the pending works and handover the responsibilities to my replacement.

At last, I would say that it was really a pleasure for me to get a chance to work for such a great association. The valuable knowledge & experience I gained in your company makes me truly thankful.

I wish this organization the very best for the future.

Post my resignation, I am always available for any information regarding the projects undertaken during my tenure in your company.


Allen Hicks

(Vice President –Marketing)
Bright Sky Associates

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