Romantic Letter to Colleague Letter

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My Dearest Felix


Hope you are doing well.

You must be amazed that why I have written this letter to you when being fellow workers, I could have said anything to you in person in the office.


Well, let me answer your question…..

Felix, I have written this letter to express my feelings for you. It has been over six months working with you and I have not been able to tell you what I have in my heart for you.

Actually, you caught my attention and left a mark on my heart & mind. I always think of you. I am in your love, and I want you in my life. Your charisma strikes my heart every time I see you. I like the way you treat people in our office.

When I come to home after work, there is only one thing on my mind and that’s you. I always talk to my colleagues about you and I share my feelings for you with them

You are an intelligent man and I love you for all your qualities.

Felix, I want you to go on a date with you tonight. I want to know that will you come.

I know that it’s not necessary that you will have the same feelings for me, but I just wanted to share my feeling with you.

I am waiting for your reply.


Yours truly,

Thelma Dunn

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