Sample Scholarship Appeal Letter

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Mr. David Taylor

California School of Architecture

501, Apple Valley,



Subject: Scholarship Application

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I am an architect by profession, and I have assisted many well established architects to build buildings across country. Just recently, I professed my interest to learn more about modern architecture to my friend. He is an alumnus of California School of Architecture and he introduced me to your various scholarship programs.

I would like to make use of this opportunity by saying that I am very interested in pursuing a higher degree in modern architecture and would be gratified, if your esteemed college selects me for their scholarship program.

Please find the attached essay, qualification degrees and other work related documents for your perusal. Being associated with your college has always been a dream and hope today it comes true.

Do let me know, if any other formality is required from my end. Hoping to hear from your end soon.

Thanking you in advance.

Bessy Kones.

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