Sample Scholarship Consideration Letter

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January 20, 2012

The Secretary,

Department of Social Welfare,

State Government,


Respected Sir,

I am enclosing herewith my application for scholarship to pursue higher studies. Sir, I am physically handicapped and belong to lower middle class family. My father runs a petty grocery shop and my mother is a homemaker. I have two brothers and two sisters also. It has been extremely difficult for my father to finance my studies beyond my schooling and I am dreaming of going for medicine if the government encourages me with scholarship.

Sir, my native place did not have any medical facility due to which many people died due to various illnesses, and this made me to decide to become a doctor to serve the community. I passed my school final with excellent marks. I kindly request you to consider my application for scholarship as per my eligibility and I hope you will encourage me in becoming a responsible doctor of medicine to serve the society. I am enclosing herewith the annual income certificate of my father for your perusal.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,

Percy Jackson

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