Sample Formal Statement Letter

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January 22, 2012

David Taylor

Personnel Manager,

Softwood Software Designs


44-Timberline Avenue,


Fort Worth, Texas

Dear Mr. Taylor,

As per your advertisement in Daily Chronicles on January 20, 2012, I would like to apply my candidature for the position of personal assistant to the Managing Director.

I’m specially trained in communication and interactive skills and am quite trained in the use of computer and various useful softwares. I’m also experienced in this field since I have worked for two years with Protext Inc. Having graduated in Business training I wish to be in a corporate firm where I can aid in the ongoing process of various projects and deals. I can write down reports, minutes of the meetings, and review data after collecting them. As a sincere and diligent person I can assure you that I will not disappoint you and I would be obliged if you consider me for this position. The details to my work experience are in the attached resume.


Hence I would be grateful if you consider my application and decide to meet me to further discuss my candidature for the position.


Thanking you,

Patricia Thompson,

Encl.- Resume.

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