Sample Promissory Note Demand or Installment Letter

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On [lien date], [Lien holder name] caused a lien to be documented against the property mentioned below: -[Property Description] – In consideration of $[amount], receipt of which is acknowledged, [Lien holder name] sets free the above-mentioned property and its possessor, [owner name], from any and all responsibility occurring from [services performed by/supplies provided by] by … Read more

Sample Promissory Note Demand or Installment Letter

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PROMISSORY NOTE For Value Received, [Borrower name], the ‘Borrower’, hereby swears to pay [Lender name], the ‘Lender’ the sum of $[amount] (‘Principal’) with interest accumulated in accordance with the interest and payment schedules herein. INTEREST – Interest on the due segment of the Principal shall grow at the rate of [interest rate] % per annum … Read more