Standard Distributor Agreement Letter


Bruce Markinson,

Managing Director,

California Electronics Inc



Dear Sir,

Sub- Letter of agreement for appointing as state Distributor for the product

First of all thank you for choosing us as the state distributor for your company California Electronics Inc. We have gone through an agreement between California Electronics Inc and California State Distributors dated 9/20/2011. The agreement will last for coming two years that means till then we will work as the distributor of your company.

As per the agreement our task will be to pick the products from the company warehouse and distribute them in the relevant state market.

For doing this, we will be allowed to take margin of 1% on the selling price of the products which will also be subject to incentives if would be able cross the set targets of $500 per day. You will reward us with 5% margin on the products for the over sales of your products.

If you are content with the above terms of the agreement then please counter sign this letter and send the same back to us.

Thank you,

Yours Truly,

Davis Matthew

Proprietor, California State Distributors,



Download Standard Distributor Agreement Letter in Word

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