Sample Cousin Sorry Letter

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May 13, 2008

Ms. Bergie Brown

45th Surf Street,

Chicago Illinois.

Dear Cousin Bergie:

I am writing this letter to apologize for shattering your iPod yesterday. I know how much you love you iPod and use it for your studies, I am really sorry for breaking it. I didn’t do it intentionally.

I saw your iPod when you left for church while roaming around in house. I took it with me at my work and later when I went for jogging. And while jogging, it dropped and cracked. I went to a repair shop immediately but the guy told that it cannot be fixed again. I felt extremely bad at that time.

I am arranging for money to get you a brand new iPod, and for meanwhile please forgive me. I promise you that I would never repeat this again.

Yours faithfully



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