Sample Girl Friend Sorry Letter

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Sarah Gibbs





12th May 2006

Dearest Sarah,

I know sweetheart I have hurt you a lot last Wednesday, and I am really sorry from the bottom of my heart for the harsh words I shrieked on you. I had no intentions to hurt you, but I know that my actions and remarks have hurt you remarkably. I can never think of hurting you or making you upset, and I feel so repentant for my behavior. I really want you to know that this is not real me, I don’t know how did all this happen, but I am not a person who looses his control so easily.

I myself feel so regretful for hurting you badly. I can understand your behavior and ignorance, but please dear give me one more chance and please forgive me for my mistake. I reassure you that you won’t see this side of my character again. I truly love you and wish to have a happy and forever relationship with you. Please forgive me and give me one last chance to meet you.

Yours Truly



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