Sample Disciplinary Appeal letter

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Ms. Jessica Crowe

General Manger- Human Resources Department

Bright Advertising Companies Pvt. Ltd.

Dear Mr. Hennery,

I am writing you this disciplinary appeal letter against the outcome of management meeting regarding the allegations and charges filed against me to indulge in a fight with employees. The management has decided to dismiss me and as well as fine me with $ 5000.

As you are aware that I am a poor employee and I am earning very less monthly salary. I am requesting the management to forgive me considering this as my first and the last mistake. If possible, please excuse half of my fine. I can assure the management that this misconduct would not be happen again. I am ready to give my guarantee in writing that if I misbehave again, I should be expelled from Bright Advertising Companies Pvt. Ltd without even asking my clarification.

Kindly consider my appeal letter before taking any final decision. Your merciful action to this regard will be highly appreciable.


Yours Sincerely,

Tom Collins

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