Sample Financial Appeal Letter

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Sept 22, 2011

Texas School of Business Education,

Financial Aid Appeal Committee,

101, Hill Road Avenue,

Dallas, TX – 50542

Dear Mr. Clark,

Sub: Appeal for financial aid

I, Justin Lewis, who has taken admission into Masters of Business Administration in your college, would like to make an appeal to you to aid me financially for the above course.

Unfortunately, our family income has dramatically changed this year and we are unable to make the additional contributions necessary to maintain my enrollment.

I currently live with my mother who is a single parent and she is unemployed. She collects unemployment and annually receives around $8890 in benefits. On the FAFSA, my EFC is $0 since we have such little income. I work to help support my family, but the money I earn goes towards our daily expenses and bills. My father is deceased and I have no one else to rely on for financial assistance.

I hope you will take these details into consideration as you review my financial aid application for this year. Texas School of Business Education has been my dream school since I first started the college application process. This school is the perfect fit for me academically and socially and I know I would be able to contribute so much to the diversity of the student body

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to explain my financial circumstances. I look forward to hearing about your decision.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Lewis

MBA Aspirant

Texas School of Business Education

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