Sample Signing Officer Banking Letters

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Notifying Letter to Bank for Removal of Signing Officer

[DATE, ex. Friday, February 11, 2011]


Danny Graham

ABC Bank

123 Lane

Area 456

City, State, Pin Code]

Dear [NAME, ex. Mr. Graham],

This is to inform your bank that we have recently removed [NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNING OFFICER BEING REMOVED, ie. Emma Watson, Head Controller] as a signing officer on our Account No. [ACCOUNT NO., ex. 987654321] to be effective immediately. Please note, any checks or other account authorizations letters signed by [him / her] bearing a date on or after the date of this letter should not be honored.

Please make sure the changes our amended immediately in your records.

Also, please note that all other signing officers, as per your earlier records, remain the same.

For any queries, please feel free to contact me directly

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name, ex. Mark Anthony]

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