Sample Employment Verification Christmas Letters

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Mr. /Ms ………………….

…………………… (Designation)

…………………… (Company Name)

…………………… (Postal Address)

Phone: ……………


Dear Mr. /Ms ……………….

Sub: Employment offer to Mr. /Ms …………..

Ref: Your Reference Letter ……………(date)



This letter in reference to a job application of Mr./Ms. …..(Name) in our company for the post of …….

This candidate has given some references. We were told that he/she used to work with your company in the capacity of ……(post), from ….to…..(duration) with a salary of $…..?


So, I request you to kindly verify the authenticity of the credentials we were given by this candidate. You can reach us at – (phone no.), or you can email us at – …….(address).


Thanking you,


Jim Miles

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