Sample Job complaint Letter

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Mark Davidson,

Assistant Manager,

ABC and Co Inc,

New York-11701

June 08, 2011

Brian Anderson,

HRD Head and Admin,

ABC and Co Inc,

Dear Mr. Brian,

Sub- Complaint about the job

I would like to make a complaint about the job that I have been appointed. During the recruitment I was told that I would suppose to look after the post of assistant manager. But I would like to complain that due to this job I not only have to look after assistant manager post but also after the work of sales manager.

I also have complaint about the timing of the job I was suppose to work about 8 hours daily but at present I am working about 10 to 11 hours daily. I would like to complain about the behavior of my colleagues, they are so abusing and do not give respect to my order.

I hope that you will take my complaint in your due consideration and will take necessary action to make the job suitable to my requirement as I mentioned during the interview.

Thanking you,


Mark Davidson

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